Algemene Genealogie van Luc Boumans en Lesley-Ann Hendriks-Lydiate met alle personen
man‎Albino "Antonio" Montecino‏‎
Zoon van Jose Montecino en Mary Lepe‏.
Geboren ‎± 1848 Concepción, Chili According to his marriage certificate of 1870 he was 28 years old (born in 1842), when he died 75 (born in 1848).

Patience Conception.
In other documents 1834, Tasmania and 1842 mentioned. A place called Patience Conceptión seems non existing in Chile. Maybe a fantasy name is used when the document was written. Concepción is a place near the coast. Patience was probably a part of Concepción.

About 1840 a large amount of Guano and nitrate was found in the north of Chile. Used as fertilizer and for explosives. Commercially very interesting.

Volgens de trouwakte van 1870 is hij 28 jaar oud (geboren in 1842), bij zijn verlijden 75 (geboren 1848).

Elders wordt 1834, Tasmanië en 1842, Chili genoemd. De plaatsnaam Patience Conceptión lijkt niet te bestaan. Mogelijk is hier een fantasienaam gebruikt bij het inschrijven. Er bestaat wel een kustplaats Concepción. Wellicht was Patience een deel hiervan.

Rond 1840 werd in het noorden van Chili grote hoevellheden Guano en nitraat gevonden. Dit was toen kostbare kunstmest en grondstof voor explosieven. Commercieel erg interessant.
Overleden ‎8 nov 1923 Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand Died from heart failure at Napier Hospital.
Buried Park Island Cemetery Napier, area: Catholic, section: 16, plot: 24.
In the database of the cemetery he is mentioned as Joseph Montecino.
‎, leeftijd ongeveer 75 jaar, doodsoorzaak: Senility, Heart failure 1).
Begraven ‎11 nov 1923 Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.
Beroepen: Seaman (‎van 1870),
Seaman (‎van 1883) Zeeman,
Cook on a Steamer (‎van 1884) Scheepskok,
Labourer (‎van 1885) Ahuriri Wharf,
Labourer (‎van 1898),
Labourer (‎tot 8 nov 1923)

Also mentioned as John/Joe Montezino and Alberto/Antonio Montesino.
Lived and worked in his early years in Marocco, Northern Africa.
Lived and worked his last years as a Watersider in Napier, New Zealand
Broke his arm when working up the face of a cliff in the harbour, when the part of the face on which he and another man were located, gave way under them.

Ook John/Joe Montezino en Antonio of Alberto Montesino genoemd.
Woonde en werkte in zijn jonge jaren in Noord Afrika.
Woonde en werkte zijn laatste jaren als scheepslader in Napier, Nieuw-Zeeland.
Brak zijn arm toen de rand van de clif in de haven waarop hij en een andere man, onder hen wegzakte.

Gehuwd ‎27 jun 1870 Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, leeftijd ongeveer 22 jaar Home of Nicolas Lopes, Old Wharf, Hobart, Tasmania. 2) (13 jaar gehuwd) met:

womanMary Hay‏, leeftijd bij huwelijk 20 jaar
Dochter van William Hay en Eliza Macarty‏.
Geboren ‎21 jan 1850 Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Also 08-02-1844 is mentioned.3).
Overleden ‎10 sep 1883 Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand Died 3 weeks after giving birth to het daughter Mary Jane.
Napier Hospital.
Peritonitis, buikvliesontsteking.
Buried by a RC priest.
‎, leeftijd 33 jaar, doodsoorzaak: Peritonitis 3).
Begraven ‎11 sep 1883 Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Also called Marie Hayes and Sarah Mary Hay.
Ook Mary Hayes en Sarah Mary Hay genoemd.

Surname: Hay
This is a Scottish and an English name, with two distinct origins applying to both. The first of these is as a topographic name for someone who lived in or by an enclosure, from the Olde English pre 7th century 'haeg', Middle English 'hey(e)'. After the Norman Conquest the word became confused with 'hay' meaning 'forest fenced off for hunting' or 'hedge'. Later, the surname became locational denoting someone who came from any of the various places called 'Hay' or 'Hayes' or compounds of these. The second possible origin is from the nickname for a tall man, from the Middle English 'hay' or 'hey' meaning tall or high. 'He was a strong man and hey', c. 1300. The William de Haya mentioned below is recorded as being 'Pincerna' or cup-bearer to the King and obtained the lands of Errol in Gowrie from William the Lion c. 1178-1182. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of William de Haya. which was dated c. 1160 Charter Witness. during the reign of Malcolm IV of Scotland, 1153-1165 Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.
© Copyright: Name Orgin Research 1980 - 2007
woman‎Florence Clara "Flora" Montesino‏‎
Geboren ‎19 jun 1870 Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Registration number 1159, RGD 33.3).
Geboorteaangifte ‎15 jul 1870.
Overleden ‎25 aug 1884 Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand Died at St. Mary's.
Buried on Nelson Cemetery.

Phthisis is a form of Tuberculosis.
‎, leeftijd 14 jaar, doodsoorzaak: Phthisis for more than a year 3).
Begraven ‎27 aug 1884 Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand 3)
Also mentioned as Flora Montezina.

Ook Flora Montezina genoemd.

manSamuel James Montecino‏
Geboren ‎± 1873 Gisborne, Gisborne, New Zealand It is uncertain when and where Samuel James was born. On his marriage certificate is stated he was born in Gisborne. Then (1903) he was 34 years old (born about 1869), but that is unlikely because he would be born before the marriage of his parents.
On his tombstone is written 'he died in in his eightieth year' so he was 79 years old, born about 1873.
It's also possible he was born in Hobart, Tasmania.

Het is onzeker wanneer en waar Samuel James is geboren. Op zijn huwelijksakte staat vermeld dat hij in Gisborne is geboren. Toen (1903) was hij 34 jaar oud (geboren omstreeks 1869), maar dat is onwaarschijnlijk omdat hij dan geboren zou zijn vóór het huwelijk van zijn ouders.
Op zijn grafsteen staat 'hij stierf in zijn tachtigste jaar' dus hij was 79 jaar oud, geboren omstreeks 1873.
Het is ook mogelijk dat hij in Hobart, Tasmanië geboren is.
Overleden ‎4 mrt 1952 Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand Anderson Bay cemetery, Dunedin (New ground).‎, leeftijd ongeveer 79 jaar, doodsoorzaak: Carbon monoxide poisoning, self-administered 4).
Overlijdensaangifte (getuige: Alice Mavis "Dolly" Montecino, James Albert Leslie "Leslie" Angus).
Begraven ‎6 mrt 1952 Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand 5).
Beroepen: Labourer (‎van 1903),
Labourer (‎van 1905),
Labourer (‎van 1914),
Labourer (‎van 1919),
Watersider (‎van 1924) Australian /NZ
A person employed to load and unload a ship’s cargo.
Labourer (‎van 1927),
Labourer (‎tot 4 mrt 1952)

Also known as Samuel Montesino and Samuel Montezino.

When his mother died he was about ten years old, he and his sister Ellen were in a Convent for a period and later lived on a farm with an Aunt in Gisborne (Source: Young family).

womanAnnie Montesino‏
Geboren ‎6 jun 1876 Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand Also the data 27-06-1876 and 16-06-1876 are mentioned.
Ook worden de data 27-06-1876 en 16-06-1876 genoemd.
Overleden ‎4 okt 1958 Gisborne, Gisborne, New Zealand‎, leeftijd 82 jaar, doodsoorzaak: Carcinoma of Stomach 7).
Begraven ‎7 okt 1958 Taruheru, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Beroep: Labourer (‎van 1898)
In several documents she is mentioned as Jane, or Anne Montesena or Montezzino.
Wordt ook Jane of Anne, Annie Montesena, Montezzino genoemd.

manAloyisius Joseph "Joe" Montecino‏
Geboren ‎5 mei 1878 Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand‎ 3).
Overleden ‎15 nov 1952 Porirua, Wellington, New Zealand From "The Willows" Matawhero, but lived and died in Porirua Hospital, Porirua.
Earthquakes in 1942 destroyed the hospital building.
From the 1940s new treatments were offered in New Zealand, including Porirua. This, combined with new attitudes to mental health, led to the decline in the need for large institutions. In 1942 two large earthquakes in the Wellington region severelydamaged the main hospital building, and in the following year it was demolished, leaving only F Ward as the last surviving ward. While new facilities were being built, the patients shifted to the government run Chateau, Tongariro. The ward continued to provide accommodation for female patients until the 1970s when it was closed (Source: History of health care in Porirua).
Karori Cemetery, Wellington, section Public3, plot 142 G. Recordnumber 21025.
‎, leeftijd 74 jaar, doodsoorzaak: BronchoPneumonia (5 days). General Paralisis of the insane (10 years?). 8).
Overlijdensaangifte ‎31 dec 1952 8).
Begraven ‎18 nov 1952 Karori, Wellington, New Zealand 9).
Beroep: Farmer (‎tot 15 jan 1952)
Also known as Elias Montesena, Joseph /Joe Montezzino and Joseph Elias Montecino.

womanHelen "Ellen" Montecino‏
Geboren ‎25 apr 1880 Port Ahuriri, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand Also Gisborne 20th of April 1879 is mentioned.3).
Overleden ‎17 apr 1951 Ahuriri, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand Park Island, Napier, in Maori called Ahuriri.‎, leeftijd 70 jaar 10)
Also known as Ellen Montezino, Nellie Montesena, Helen Young Montecino and Hellen Young Montezino.

When her mother died she was about three years old, she and her brother Sam were in a Convent for a period and later lived on a farm with an Aunt in Gisborne (Source: Young family).

woman‎Matilda "Tilly" Montezzino‏‎
Geboren ‎4 jun 1881 Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand Also 15-06-1881 mentioned.3).
Overleden ‎11 mrt 1910 Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand Karori Cemetery, Wellington, section: S Compas 3, plot 51-69a. Record number 56095.
Age 25 years.
‎, leeftijd 28 jaar 9).
Begraven ‎12 mrt 1910 Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand.
Beroep: Nun. Sr. Mary Bernard. (‎tot 1910) Non in het Katholieke klooster van Wellington.
Nun of the Catholic Convent in Wellington, Our Lady's Home of Compassion.

woman‎Mary Jane Montezzino‏‎
Geboren ‎20 aug 1883 Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand‎ 3).
Overleden ‎29 sep 1883 Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand 5 weeks old.
Oud 5 weken.
‎, leeftijd 1 maand en 1 week en 2 dagen 3)
Also called Mary Jane Montozeno.

Algemene Genealogie van Luc Boumans en Lesley-Ann Hendriks-Lydiate met alle personen
2e huwelijk
man‎Albino "Antonio" Montecino‏‎
Zoon van Jose Montecino en Mary Lepe‏.

Gehuwd ‎11 jan 1885 Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, leeftijd ongeveer 37 jaar John's Church, Napier.

Witnesses are Thomas Price (piano tuner) and Annie Price.
12) (2 jaar gehuwd) met:

womanMaria Chevalee‏, leeftijd bij huwelijk ongeveer 38 jaar
Dochter van François Chevalee en Marie Andre‏.
Geboren ‎± 1847 France‎ 12).
Overleden ‎10 sep 1887 Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand Also 15-02-1887 is mentioned.
Heart ailment.

Ook 15-02-1887 wordt genoemd.
‎, leeftijd ongeveer 40 jaar, doodsoorzaak: Heart ailment 11).
Begraven ‎11 sep 1887 Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
1e huwelijk met: NN Collings, ‎2e huwelijk met: Albino "Antonio" Montecino
Also named Maria Collings and (maybe) Maria Chevalier.


1) Certified Copy of Entry of Death, Napier 1923, no 100678.
2) Marriages Hobart Tasmania 1870 number 227 (139).
3) Jan Brinkley
4) Inquisition coroner public morgue Dunedin
5) Hope & Kinaston
6) Papers Past 22 November 1924
7) Certified Copy of Entry of Death, Gisborne 1958 no 100679.
8) Death Certificate 1423 Wellington
9) Lillian Morrison
10) Vernall Family Tree
11) Young family
12) Certified Copy of Entry of Marriage, Napier 1885, no. 1445.
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